
PTA Membership and Information

What is the PTA?

The Campbell PTA (Parent Teachers Association) is an organization of parents and teachers interested in supporting and supplementing the educational experiences of our children by financing and volunteering for projects and activities that are not funded, or fully funded, by the school district. For more information, visit the PTA’s Web site.

How does the PTA help?

  • PTA helps parents attend after school functions by financing at-school childcare during such programs as Fiesta, Back-to-School nights, curriculum nights, and other evening activities.
  • Enhances the educational experience of children by subsidizing school field trips throughout the year, Time for Kids publication, Outdoors as Classroom project, library teas, and free book distribution through Reading is Fundamental.
  • Works to make education opportunities available to all Campbell students by providing full and partial scholarships for summer school, field trips, and Arts Alive, for those that can not afford to pay.
  • Keeps parents informed by holding PTA meetings, maintaining the PTA list serve, producing the Campbell newsletters, and coordinating the Campbell PTA website.
  • Builds our community by promoting social activities for parents and children such as school dances and end-of-the-year picnic.
  • Helps teachers and support staff better serve our children by providing support to attend professional development programs, help classroom aides meet No Child Left Behind education requirements, and fund special classroom projects.
  • Shows our great appreciation of the Campbell teachers and staff by sponsoring teacher appreciation activities during parent teacher conferences and teacher appreciation week.
  • PTA members are encouraged to attend meetings to hear updates from the Principal and help plan the year’s activities. Some meetings feature guest speakers.

How do we do it?

PTA dues are not enough to cover the costs of all our activities. Throughout the year, the PTA holds fundraising activities and events. Past fundraisers have included activities such as raffles, the sale of ceramic tiles designed by students, baked goods, tee shirts; and participation in rebate programs associated with Box Tops for Education; Safeway and Giant customer card programs and school photos. Please support the PTA fundraising efforts. They benefit us all.

Keep up-to-date with PTA developments and communicate with the Campbell community by joining the Campbell PTA list serve. To join, go to: PTA list serve or contact the list administrator.

Chris Fuller, PTA President