
School Data


The SOLs are one measure of achievement and instruction in a school.  There are many other measures, which may tell a more complete story.

Site Based Survey

This survey is completed every two years by students, parents and staff at each school.  Campbell staff reports a high degree of job satisfaction.  Students report strong relationships with staff.  Cultural competence is a strength for Campbell as well.  You can see the data here.

PALS data

PALS is a reading screening that measures letter/sound correspondence, rhyming, high frequency word recognition, and reading comprehension in higher grades.  In 2015, 98% of Campbell K students met the benchmark for spring PALS. 94% of 1st graders passed PALS and 85% of second graders passed PALS. These scores are comparable with other APS schools.

Implementation Review (EL)

Each year, the EL School Designer and staff complete a rubric in which we are scored in 26 domains.  As we embrace more components of EL such as Student Led Conferences and the Reader’s Workshop model, our scores on the EL Implementation Review increase. This is essentially a measure of best instructional practices.  In the spring of 2014, our score was 85. In the spring of 2015, the score was 98.

VDOE Report Card (SOL Scores)