
Our Approach

Our Approach

Campbell is a choice school within Arlington Public Schools. The state of Virginia determines what we teach through the Standards of Learning (SOLs).  Campbell varies in its approach. Our school uses project based learning to teach the curriculum.

In 2007, Campbell became an EL school.  EL Education focuses on student centered learning, authentic tasks, and student reflection.  Our beautiful grounds, situated next to Long Branch Nature Center and Glencarlyn Park also contribute to our outdoor focus.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a respectful community where all children are celebrated and encouraged to achieve and grow.

Our Vision

At Campbell School, we challenge one another to think critically and take active roles in our mutual learning. We strive to make meaningful contributions to our diverse community based on our learning. Students demonstrate learning not only through assessments, but also through rich tasks, projects, field work, reflection and exhibition showcases. Trust, respect, responsibility and joy in learning are at the heart of our school culture.